Category Archives: Features

Deepdale stadium becomes Nightingale Court

A football stadium has become a temporary court to help clear a backlog of cases [...]

Over 1,100 Homes Approved Near M55 Distributor

Outline plans for 1,100 homes accessed from the Western Distributor Road have won approval in [...]

New Hall Lane Working Mens Club Set To Become Apartments

The site of a former working men’s club on New Hall Lane is set to [...]

Our 24 Hour Turnaround

Buying and selling properties can become a lengthy process, but this doesn’t always need to [...]

Winter-themed pop up bar coming to Friargate

Preston’s first Winter-themed bar is opening on the corner of Frigate and Heatley Street. The [...]

Plans For 100 New Homes In Barton Have Been Submitted

100 new homes could be coming to Barton if Story Homes have their way. They [...]